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ISO9001 and ISO 14001 certification are obtained at the same time

관리자 2022-07-26 Number of views 34,152

"Strengthening global competitiveness" by obtaining ISO certification of international standards such as quality and environment

MUHANIT announced on the 11th that it has simultaneously obtained the International Standard for Quality Management (ISO9001) and the International Standard for Environmental Management (ISO 14001) established by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO).


The certification scope of ISO9001 and ISO14001 acquired by MUHANIT was recognized for its excellence in technology through △ software development and construction of spatial information △ surveying (public survey, video processing, underground facilities, and numerical map production) △ big data analysis and monitoring systems.


Read more about the original article

*Blog https://blog.naver.com/muhan_it/222829643891 

*Sisamagazine https://www.sisamagazine.co.kr/news/articleView.html?idxno=456012